perginye ta kembali...

skang da kul 25o pm, kala ak menaip ayat nih...
ketahui la bhwa sesungguh nye jam yg terpampang bawa post2 ak tuh sume sala blake..
arghh, ak bawu pasan stlah hmpir setaun memiliki blog neh, chaitt...
mmg ptot pn, sbb ak ta update2 ini blog, ne na pasan an..

umm, ari ney 3 april..
smlm arwah din beramboi telah pegi meninggalkn kte..
yee, meninggal kn kte yg maseh idop n bnyawa di bumi tuhan nih..
ase cm ta pcaye lak, dy da tade..
sbb maseh terngiang2 lg gelak tawa beliau, lawak spontan nye...
kdg2 lwk dy agk kasar, tp people still leh terime an..
sbb tu cara dy, n sbb lwak dy tu la org engt kt dy, toi x??

ak plg ske spontan ep2, sgt kelaka..
sume sporting abes, lg2 zizan la sbb dy plg trok kne, hahha
pahtu riuh pg era, sawan cara.. ak ske, wlpn kdg2 j dgr, sbb blek tade radio
tu pn dgr mse nek kete mber na g kls pagi, hekhek..
ta pown ulangn nye, tp maseh dlm kete kwn ak, hoh0o~

lg teringat lak mse final raja lawak 4
tataw kowg pasan ke x, tp dy ade ckp kt alex
lebey kuang gini la ayat dy
"klau sy da tade di radio era, awk amek la tmpat sy"...

now he's gone...
saat namenye di puncak..
mari kte same2 sedekahkan al-Fatihah utk beliau
- alFatihah -


i dedicate diz song to him..

You're one in a million
Sometimes love can hit you everyday
Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see
but Only one can really make me stay
A sign from the sky
said to me


You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us

I've been looking for that special one
I've been searching for someone to give my love
And when I thought that all the hope was gone
a smile, there you were and I was gone

I always will remember how I felt that day
A feeling indescribable to me
i always knew there was an answer for my prayer
And you, you're the one, the one for me

[Chorus x 2]

in the beginning i was cool and everything was possible
they tried to catch me but it was impossible
Nobody could hurt me it was my game
Until I met you baby and were the same

You didn't want me, I wanted you
Because the funny thing bout it was I like the show
I like it when its difficult I like it when its hard
then You know it's worth it when ya found your heart

Find you're heart...

tataw na ckp pe sal lgu nih..


lame ta update..
sgt lame kot..
actually saje2 je wat blog ni, boring kt uma..
tp pahtu bia gitu je, ahahha, apo laa~..
diz is sharing blog, tp my sis pown ta update2 gk natang nih
pasni na mule merajenkn tgn menaip, meluahkn yg terpendam... eceh..
mungkinkah terjadi~~???..
ntah la, hehhe... :p